HM the King Delivers Speech to Parliament at Opening of First Session of 4th Legislative Year of 11th Legislature

HM the King Delivers Speech to Parliament at Opening of First Session of 4th Legislative Year of 11th Legislature

HM King Mohammed VI Speech Parliament
HM King Mohammed VI, accompanied by HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan and HRH Prince Moulay Rachid, on Friday delivered a speech to the Parliament at the opening of the first session of the fourth legislative year of the 11th Legislature.

Here follows the full text of the Royal speech:

“Praise be to God

May peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, His Kith and Kin

Honourable Members of Parliament,

It gives me pleasure to address you today, at the opening of this legislative year, and through my message to you, the various bodies, institutions and citizens, regarding the latest developments concerning the Moroccan Sahara, which is the foremost cause of all Moroccans.

Since I ascended the throne, I have been saying, with respect to the question of our territorial integrity, that we are bound to move from a management stage, to a stage in which we change the situation, both domestically and at the external level, all dimensions considered.

I have also called for a shift in our approach, from reacting to developments to taking the initiative and being decisive and proactive.

With that in mind, we have worked for years, with resolve and patience, guided by a clear vision. We have used all the means at our disposal to publicise the just position of our country, as well as our historical and legitimate rights regarding our Sahara, notwithstanding a challenging and complex international environment.

Today, the truth is out, by the Grace of the Almighty. In fact, truth always prevails over any other claims, as do just causes.

Almighty God says: "And say, 'Truth has now arrived, and falsehood perished: for falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish'". True is the Word of the Almighty.

In this regard, the French Republic now supports the sovereignty of the Kingdom over the entire territory of the Sahara. It also backs the Autonomy Initiative within the framework of Morocco’s territorial integrity as the sole basis for resolving this artificial regional conflict.

I wish to take this opportunity to offer, personally and on behalf of the Moroccan people, our most sincere thanks and to express our gratitude to France and to His Excellency President Emmanuel Macron, for this unequivocal support for the Sahara as a Moroccan territory.

Through this positive development, justice and legitimacy have been upheld, and so have Morocco’s historical rights, especially since this recognition emanates from a major country, which is a permanent member of the Security Council and an influential player on the global stage.

What is more, France is fully aware of the ins and outs of this regional conflict.

This recognition also supports the efforts exerted at the United Nations level to lay the groundwork for a political process that would lead to a final settlement of this issue within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty.

Honourable Members of Parliament,

France’s position is part of the positive momentum that characterises the question of the Moroccan Sahara. That momentum confirms Morocco's sovereignty over its territory and increases international support for the Autonomy Initiative.

By the Grace of Almighty God, we have been able to secure the recognition of influential countries which are permanent members of the Security Council, such as the United States of America and France.

In addition to that, we take pride in the stances of Arab and African sister nations, which have been clearly and steadfastly backing the Kingdom’s territorial integrity, especially the countries that have opened consulates in Laayun and Dakhla.

In parallel, the Autonomy Initiative - as the sole basis for reaching a final solution to this conflict within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty - enjoys broad support from an increasing number of countries from around the world.

They include our friend, Spain - a country which knows the finer details of the issue, and whose stance on the matter has significant political and historical implications - as well as the majority of European Union members.

I wish to express my deep appreciation to all our friends and partners for supporting Morocco's foremost cause.

I also want to thank the countries that have trade relations with, or invest in, the Kingdom’s southern provinces, which are an integral part of our national territory.

In doing so, they are contributing to the economic, social and cultural development underway in the Moroccan Sahara, thereby reinforcing the status of the southern provinces as a hub for interaction and exchange between Morocco and the rest of Africa.

This puts our southern provinces front and centre in the strategic, continental initiatives that I have launched, such as the Morocco-Nigeria Gas Pipeline project, the African Atlantic countries initiative, and the initiative designed to enable African Sahel countries to have access to the Atlantic Ocean.

Honourable Members of Parliament,

Despite all that has been achieved, the next stage requires further mobilization and vigilance on the part of everyone. The goal is to keep consolidating our country’s position, to publicise our just cause, and to thwart our enemies’ manoeuvers.

Having said that, we need to explain the fundamental elements underpinning the Moroccan position to the few countries whose stances on the issue still go against the logic of law and history. We need to convince them through legal, political and historical evidence as well as spiritual arguments that confirm the legitimacy of the Sahara as a Moroccan territory.

Concerted efforts are required on the part of all national institutions and bodies, as well as governmental, party and civic organisations. Greater coordination is also needed between them to increase efficiency and ensure the effectiveness of their action.

I am sure you are aware - distinguished members of Parliament - of the effective role of party and parliamentary diplomacy in securing wider recognition of the Sahara as a Moroccan territory, and in increasing support for the Autonomy Initiative as the only solution to this regional conflict.

I therefore expect greater coordination between the two houses of Parliament in this regard, and the creation of appropriate internal structures with qualified human resources. The standards of competence and expertise also need to be taken into account in forming delegations, both for bilateral meetings and for participation in regional and international forums.

Distinguished Members of Parliament,

Our achievements to bring this issue to a final close and the economic and social development witnessed in our southern provinces are the result of the solidarity and the efforts of all Moroccans in order to consolidate our national unity and preserve the nation’s territorial integrity.

I would be remiss if I did not commend the efforts made by our diplomatic service, by the various institutions concerned, by the nation’s driving forces and by proud Moroccans - inside and outside the country - to defend the legitimate rights of their homeland and face up to the manoeuvres of our enemies.

I also wish to express my gratitude and appreciation to our sons and daughters in the Sahara for their unwavering loyalty to their homeland, for their attachment to their sacred religious and national values, and for the sacrifices they make to ensure the Kingdom’s stability and territorial integrity.

Before concluding, let me stress that Morocco will never waver in its position. Our country will remain open to its Maghreb and regional environment, thereby contributing to the achievement of joint development, and to the security and stability of the peoples in the region.

Almighty God says: “O you who believe! If you will aid (the cause of) God, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly”. True is the Word of God.

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh."

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