Hungary Voices Support to the Moroccan Autonomy Plan for the Sahara

Hungary Voices Support to the Moroccan Autonomy Plan for the Sahara

Hungary voices its support to the Moroccan Autonomy Plan for the Sahara
Morocco’s Foreign Minister, Mr. Nasser Bourita received on Wednesday, November 27, 2024, in Rabat, his Hungarian Counterpart, Mr. Péter Szijjártó.
As part of the growing international momentum of support to Morocco's sovereignty over its Sahara and to the Autonomy Plan thanks to the Royal impetus, Hungary affirmed, through a joint statement following its Foreign Minister's visit to Rabat, that this Autonomy Plan "unquestionably constitutes the most credible basis for a solution to this regional dispute".

In this respect, both Ministers “reaffirmed their support to the UN-led political process and to the efforts of the UN Secretary-General to find a solution to the Sahara issue, in line with the Security Council resolutions.”

Morocco and Hungary emphasize “their positive and constructive roles in maintaining stability, security and peace in their respective regions” and express “their commitment to these principles, as well as to peaceful resolution of conflicts and respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of States,”

In addition to signing an MoU of cooperation in Health, the Hungarian Minister equally lauded the Royal Initiative to Promote the Sahel Countries’ Access to the Atlantic Ocean.

It is worth noting that Hungary's new, strengthened position reinforces the recently created momentum, which the latest UN Security Council resolution welcomes and urges to build on.

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