Morocco and the U.S. Launch a Group of Friends on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development

Morocco and the U.S. Launch a Group of Friends on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development

Morocco US  Group of Friends on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development
Morocco and the United States have jointly initiated the Group of Friends on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development aimed at harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) for sustainable global development. This initiative was inaugurated by Morocco's Ambassador to the United Nations, Omar Hilale, alongside U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, marking an important step in international cooperation on AI.

The creation of this Group follows the landmark adoption of the first UN General Assembly resolution on AI, co-sponsored initially by Morocco and the United States and subsequently supported by 123 member states. This resolution represents a crucial step in establishing a global consensus on the responsible use of AI to bolster sustainable development efforts worldwide.

Ambassador Hilale emphasized the timeliness and imperative of leveraging the momentum generated by the resolution to create a platform for digital cooperation centered specifically on AI. He underscored AI's potential as a transformative force capable of accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), if deployed efficiently and ethically. Particularly significant was his call for inclusivity, stressing the importance of ensuring that developing countries, particularly in Africa, are equipped with the tools and opportunities AI offers to propel their development agendas forward.

Morocco's commitment to AI's potential for Africa was further underscored by its recent hosting of the first African high-level forum on AI, demonstrating leadership in integrating the continent into the global AI discourse.

Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield echoed these sentiments, commending Morocco's leadership and the strategic partnership between both countries in launching this Group. She highlighted the Group's mission to mobilize collective efforts towards achieving the SDGs, addressing challenges such as poverty, hunger, gender inequality, and climate change through AI-powered solutions.

Looking forward, the upcoming Summit of the Future in New York promises to further galvanize global efforts towards harnessing AI for sustainable development, affirming the United Nations' pivotal role in fostering meaningful change for current and future generations.

The launch of the Group of Friends on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development marks a critical juncture in international efforts to harness technology for the collective good. As nations unite under this initiative, the promise of AI to accelerate progress towards a more sustainable and equitable world grows ever more tangible.

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