Morocco’s Vision for Africa highlighted at Harvard University

Morocco’s Vision for Africa highlighted at Harvard University

Ambassador Amrani Harvard
Ambassador Youssef Amrani emphasized the visionary blueprint of His Majesty King Mohammed VI for a dynamic, united, and innovative Africa at an event titled “Africa Alive 24!”, hosted by the Center for the Study of African Societies and Economies (CSASE). This gathering brought together diplomats, academics, and students eager to delve into the continent's prospects.

In his remarks, Mr. Amrani stated, “For His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Africa is not just the continent of the future; it is also the lifeblood of the present.” This assertion highlights Africa's critical significance in today's global landscape, showcasing its untapped potential and vital role in addressing contemporary challenges.

The Ambassador recalled a key message from the Royal Speech addressed to the 4th Forum on Investment in Africa, where His Majesty underscored the urgent need for bold and innovative initiatives to promote private entrepreneurship. This message serves as a rallying cry to unlock the continent's full potential amid numerous challenges.

Spotlighting Morocco's pivotal role in this transformative agenda, as the second-largest African investor on the continent and the first-largest African investor in Western Africa, Ambassador Amrani highlighted that Morocco's efforts extend beyond mere infrastructure development; they also focus on fostering bonds of brotherhood. He illustrated this commitment through flagship projects such as the Royal Initiative to enhance access for Sahel countries to the Atlantic Ocean and the Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline, describing these initiatives as “highways of hope, pipelines of progress, and bridges of brotherhood across our great continent.”

Addressing global issues such as climate change and food security, the Ambassador reaffirmed that “Africa is not part of the problem; it is predominantly part of the solution.” He called for a paradigm shift concerning the perception of development in Africa, highlighting the continent's proactive role in tackling pressing global challenges.

Furthermore, Mr. Amrani advocated for increased investment in education, emphasizing the importance of connectivity and laying the foundations for a knowledge-based economy. By fostering educational opportunities and innovation, Africa can unlock its vast potential and make a significant contribution to the global community.

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