Washington: NATO's Coherence is Also Built in the South (Ambassador Amrani)

Washington: NATO's Coherence is Also Built in the South (Ambassador Amrani)

Ambassador Amrani NATO
Ambassador Youssef Amrani took part in a panel discussion at the "NATO Public Forum" during the Washington Summit commemorating the 75th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The panel, themed "NATO Looks South: Strategic Perspective and Partnership Relations," featured the Moroccan Ambassador alongside Javier Colomina, NATO’s Deputy Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Security Policy, and Ana Santos Pinto, former Portuguese Secretary of State for Defense and chair of NATO’s reflection group on its southern neighborhood.

During his address, the Moroccan diplomat underscored the longstanding partnership between Morocco and NATO, highlighting that "since the launch of the Mediterranean Dialogue, the Kingdom has consistently worked as a pioneer in building a mutually beneficial collaboration with NATO to jointly address cross-cutting challenges and common threats."

The diplomat specified that “this relationship aligns with the principles of collective and indivisible security, which are fundamental in addressing current security challenges."

Mr. Amrani stressed the “necessity of enhancing political dialogue between NATO and its southern partners,” emphasizing that robust and coherent political dialogue is essential for fostering mutual understanding and establishing practical cooperation based on trust. He noted the “critical need for an integrated and comprehensive approach to address the emerging security challenges.

The ambassador advocated for “more constructive, open, and regular discussions with the South to establish more assertive dynamics in interacting with the Southern flank." An approach the ambassador considers "essential to refine" to fully meet the ambitions and priorities of the Mediterranean Dialogue partner countries while seizing the numerous opportunities that arise.

He noted that the Atlantic serves as a powerful catalyst for energizing international cooperation with all partners, citing in this regard the “Kingdom's vision that transversally reshapes the African Atlantic space and significantly changes to the region's geopolitical realities.”

The diplomat extensively elaborated on His Majesty King Mohammed VI's Atlantic Vision, highlighting its humanistic, pragmatic, and solidarity-driven essence. He underscored that this approach “guides Morocco’s commitment in the region to build a corridor of shared development and prosperity.”

The ambassador emphasized that peace and security are prerequisites for development and progress. He added that “it's crucial not to separate human objectives from their security foundations,” stressing the necessity to maintain a holistic approach that enshrines all national, regional, and international engagements thriving in the Atlantic space."

Mr. Amrani indicated that this approach of complementarity and alignment of international efforts is at the core of the Royal Vision which connects the aspirations of African citizens with strategies centered on integration, sharing, and solidarity.

The ambassador concluded with a widely shared appreciation, echoing the call to strengthen partnerships with the South, particularly within the framework of the Mediterranean Dialogue.

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