French and Spanish Protectorates

French and Spanish Protectorates

Colonialism in Morocco, primarily orchestrated by Spain and France, unfolded throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, marked by treaties, military occupations, and the imposition of European rule. Spain established control over regions including Tetouan, the Rif region (Northeast) and southern provinces of Morocco “Western Sahara”, while France exerted influence over larger territories, including major cities like Casablanca and Marrakech. Resistance against colonial oppression, led by King Mohammed V and the Moroccan people played a pivotal role in the struggle for Morocco’s independence.

11During the exile of the late King Mohammed V and his family to Madagascar, the Moroccan people remained steadfast in their allegiance to the monarchy. 
Throughout the colonial rule, the Moroccan monarchs safeguarded the essence of Moroccan identity, displaying remarkable resilience in the face of external pressures. This steadfast commitment to sovereignty not only preserved the nation's cultural heritage and identity but also fostered a profound bond between the monarchy and the Moroccan people.



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